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Path to Truth and Excitement
Welcome, welcome!
Find Flow in Your Life– Feel uplifted and excited about your life again.
However you found us-you are meant to be here and we are so glad to welcome you to our community of like minded people who believe meditation is a great way to help you ground and centre yourself.
I have invented a meditation bus offering a warm, safe and tranquil area for you to meditate or learn how to meditate.
Please do contact me by email or phone and we can help you with your current issues and delve deeper into how to bring you the excitement and happiness that life wants to give you.

"When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others."
Your Path to Truth

My Name Is Diana Pineiro
Hello I am Diana and am the founder of this amazing and wonderful company. Meditation with the use of crystals has literally saved my life during trauma and dark times and this company was created to teach and spread how to meditate and/or how to use crystals. I have two wonderful children who are walking together along the path with me and we are living in our enlightenment with much joy and great big wapping amounts of excitement, dancing, singing, partying and playing!
Diana Pineiro
My Story – My Why
Diana Pineiro
I used to believe I couldn’t meditate. I’ve had an interest in it for as long as I can remember. Having researched it and had many people tell me about it – some who say how easy it is – you only need to do 5 minutes a day, surely you can find 5 minutes? There were many days where I would try but quickly give up!
There are a multitude of different types of meditations
Loving Kindness and the list goes on!
I just couldn’t find the one that resonated and made it easy! I soon discovered the reason why it is called a Meditation Practise!!
Let me be completely honest with you-it’s not so easy and needs constant practise. Like learning to walk or practising riding a bicycle – eventually it can become second nature however I can tell you that if you don’t ride a bike for a decade- then it takes some practise to get back into it, I did this too!
The more you practise and allow it into your life, then the more joy and excitement you will feel. You can be proud of yourself for allowing something to become second nature.
So back to my story-When I met my long-awaited soul mate, got married and gave birth twice within 18 months, that we planned together, my life was in a really tough stage but absolute pure bliss as I had finally manifested the family that I had yearned for. When my second daughter was 3 weeks old my husband became distant, and I jokingly asked him didn’t he love me anymore? He replied NO!!
It was a bomb shell that came completely out of the blue and I was in shear shock, mentally, emotionally, physically; I felt broken inside and was having frequent anxiety attacks, not bothering to eat or look after myself. My only priority was to care for my beautiful babies. They kept me alive, they kept me going – meditation however saved my life. I slipped into pure survival mode living each and every day as it came. As you can imagine I was exceptionally exhausted but still couldn’t sleep with the thoughts of blaming myself, how could I let this happen? How could he do this to me, knowing that it was my worst nightmare-to be a single parent? He knew the history of my parents who had split when I was 10, why couldn’t he have talked this through with me? Why did he just leave, couldn’t we have worked things out?
I was so crushed and heart broken.
Fear of my future consumed me and I knew what I needed most was sleep! I have heard of sleep deprivation as a form of torture and knew how dangerous it could be. So, I downloaded a whole bunch of meditations and listened to them at night. I listened to someone else telling me what to think! I urged my subconscious to listen while I slept for the few hours that my babies would allow!!
I was in this state of shock and survival mode for about 3 years! I look back now and see that it was the meditations that I listened to that pulled me through. Somehow I survived. No one can switch off all these thoughts when you feel like you are sitting in the middle of a whirlwind and the shit is all flying around you. I did family constellations, had counselling, a course in yoga nidra- a type of sleep meditation and several meditation courses like vipassana and chakra cleansing.
Eventually I pulled myself together and started to form a picture of how I wanted my future to look, with my girls by my side. Our days were filled with many, many trips to various places. I found solace in my car where my girls would always sleep, giving me a few minutes of shut eye to be able to carry on. Eventually I realised that all the calming frequencies I was playing were helping them too and that more importantly, if I didn’t look after myself….I couldn’t look after them effectively, so we were out of the house early every morning where I had packed food, nappies, bottles, spare clothes and pyjamas – to return back home and be able to slip them into bed and avoid mega housework and lengthy night time routines.
Then COVID hit….
My world shattered around me again and the routine I had created needed to be dumped! Everyone was suffering. I turned up my frequency of meditations. Once again meditation allowed me to sit in the eye of a whirlwind and I learnt that there is no need to engage with it. The peace and calm is inside us and we just need to locate it and expand on it.
So, I obtained an earpiece and joined the 6-week William Whitecloud course and did it twice! He taught me how to switch on my intuition and trust that the universe has my back. I’m sorry if this sounds a little woo woo but I really believe that everything happens for a reason and when I forgot this my life lost its meaning. I have always believed that everything happens for a reason but with this, I found it very hard to accept.
I spent the entire lockdown listening to someone else talking in my ear – so my girls generally had all my attention while we picnicked in the garden and I thanked my lucky stars that I wasn’t needing to home-school or work, having been furloughed. I was made redundant from cabin crew after 13 years and scrapped the baby photography business. COVID didn’t allow to either of these.
I took on meditation more seriously and eventually realised that I can help may many people with these skills. So I’m now leaning about crystal healing and building my spiritual shop online and in my home. I have also completed an accredited meditation teacher course when I decided to spread the word of the power of this practise and doing an EFT and TFT course whilst teaching my children and intent to teach these powerful techniques in schools.